A "Deal," also known as an "Opportunity," is a fundamental component of a CRM. It serves as the foundation for making a sale. When a lead is generated, it is assigned one or more deals, which are then pursued through various stages in the sales pipeline with the goal of closing the deal and achieving a successful sale.
In essence, a deal is synonymous with an opportunity
Leads, which are prospective customers, can be associated with multiple deals simultaneously
Deals progress through different stages in the sales pipeline, signifying the various steps required to move the potential sale forward. These stages provide a visual representation of the sales process and help sales teams track their progress, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize their efforts accordingly.
Ultimately, deals can have one of three outcomes: they can be won, indicating a successful sale; lost, indicating that the opportunity did not materialize into a sale; or abandoned, indicating that the deal was actively discontinued for various reasons.
1. Click on "Lead"
2. Click on "Add Deal"
or you can also add a deal directly from an active lead
3. Select the "Lead"
4. Click on "Create a Deal"
5. Add a deal title
6. Select a "Deal Type" also known as "Opportunity Type"
Learn more about setup sales pipelines
7. Select the "Deal Stage"
If the deal is a new deal, then the stage should be the first stage from the list
8. Scroll down and enter a "Forecast Date"
This is the date that you believe the deal can be closed
9. Enter a "Deal Value"
How much do you think this deal is worth
10. Click on "Add Deal"
11. Review the lead open deals
Learn more about update a deal stage
Learn more about recording activities