All Categories Items Item Listing in Depth

Item Listing in Depth

In this guide, we will explain the different components of the "Item List"

Search Box

You can search for a specific record by using this box. You can enter the product name or item code.


To sort the list, you can use and apply various filters.

Add New Item

To add a single item to your catalog.


From here, you have different options:

  1. Download your current catalog of items in a csv file

  2. Upload multiple items by using a csv file

  3. Upload multiple images to your items

Category and Subcategory

In this section, you will find the categories you have created. When you click on a category, the list of items within that category will be displayed below.

If a category includes subcategories, they will be displayed underneath it. Clicking on a subcategory will display only the items within that subcategory below it.


Items can be viewed as a list or as cards by clicking in any of these two views.

The 3 Dots Menu ...

This menu gives you access to different options for the item:

  • Edit: To modify the item information

  • Clone: To clone the item

  • Delete: To delete the item

  • Update price: To increase or decrease the prices by a percentage. This will modify all assigned prices.