In Osmos, you can create tasks, reminders, and to-do lists. The idea behind this is to help you get organized and make notes of activities you must complete in order to close deals.
These tasks can be assigned to different members, and you can customize the steps or stages, define the urgency, and choose from other options.
In this guide, we will show you how to create a task, add stages, and filter tasks.
1. Click on "Task" or "Reminders"
2. Click on "Add New Task"
3. Create a "Task Name"
4. Select a type of note
You can create or customize the task by clicking on the plus sign "+"
5. Select a "Task Stage"
You can create and customize task stages by clicking on the 3 dots menu
6. Select a "Due Date" (Optional)
If a due date is selected and the task has not been marked as "Completed" by that date, a notification will be displayed to the user in the notification bell.
7. Select a "Contact" if the task is related to one (Optional)
By selecting a contact from the list, the task will be associated with that contact.
8. Click on "Add Task"
Moving tasks through stages
You can drag-and-drop tasks to move them through the stages. By clicking on the card, you can:
Edit the task
Delete the task
Mark task as completed
Marking a tasks as "Completed"
1. Select the "Task" and click on the task name
2. Click on "Task Completed"
When a task is marked as completed or when it is canceled, the task will be archive and can be viewed by clicking on "View Archive Tasks"
Changing Task View (List View)
1. Click on "List View Icon"
2. View Tasks
You can change the task stage from the dropdown, and by clicking on the card, you can:
Edit the task
Delete the task
Mark task as completed
3. Filter tasks based on stage and priority
View "Archive Tasks"
Tasks that have been "Marked as Completed" or "Canceled" can be viewed from here. The archived tasks can be undone to bring them back to the task list.