All Categories Organization Module Organization Listing in Depth

Organization Listing in Depth

In this guide, we will explain the different components of the "organization list."

Search Box

You can search for a specific record by using this box. You can enter the contact's name, email, or any other relevant information.



To sort the list, you can utilize and apply various filters. After creating and applying a filter to the search, you have the option to save the filter for future use or reset the search query.


To save the filter, click on "Save Filter". Saved filters will appear under the search box. To use a saved filter, simply click on it.

Cog icon

The cog icon allows you to customize the columns you want to visualize in your listing


Create Organization

From here, you can create an organization and change between the list view and the card view.


The 3 Dots Menu ...


This menu gives you access to different options:

  • Delete a organization

Sorting list by columns in ascending or descending order

Click on any of the columns to sort the table. The left corner will indicate the current sorting.


View organization details

Click on the "Organization" name and a window will open with the organization details.
