All Categories Organization Module Create an Organization

Create an Organization

An organization is the primary entity that groups together the contacts associated with it. Creating an organization is beneficial when you work with various leads/contacts or when you want to identify the organization to which your lead belongs.

An organization can also be referred to as a business or corporation.

To create an organization, follow this guide

1. Click "Organization"


2. Click "Create New Organization"


3. Enter the "Organization" information

You can add a logo, the organization name, and contact details.


4. Click "Create Organization"


5. Select the "Account Owner"

The account owner refers to the workspace member who is responsible for the "Organization." You can leave this option empty, and it will be automatically assigned to the member who is creating the organization.


6. Select the "Contact(s)" that form part of the "Organization"

Select the contacts that form part of this organization.


7. Click on "Add" to add the contacts to the organization


8. Click "Save Changes"
